Friday, October 8, 2010

My Crazy Thursday Night

It started out pretty normal.  Katy and Theresa came over and I trimmed Katy's hair (and did a pretty darn good job, too!).  Then we ate dinner, and then Katy and Galo (superstar soccer player, my next-door neighbor, and a close friend of Youssou's) and Youssou and I went for a walk.

Skip ahead to Wolof class today.  Oumoul, my teacher, asks me in Wolof, "What did you do last night?"  I answer, "I went to the beach."  She thinks I've misspoken and asks me in French what I did.

"I went to the beach by Mermoz (my neighborhood) with a friend and two Senegalese boys.  There were two cops who came over and asked us for our identification (it's illegal to go around without i.d. here).  Katy didn't have hers, so they said that wasn't okay and that they'd have to take her in to the station.  Youssou said they couldn't do that because we live nearby and have a right to be here.  The cop said that Youssou could go in her place.  They talked for a while and then suddenly the cops walked away and said we could go.  We started walking away and then these two men, not in uniform, asked if we'd seen two men posing as police officers.  They were the real police, and they were looking for these other two men, who were just bandits!  It was very strange."  (Yes, I said all this in French.)

So...we got stopped by two men pretending to be police officers and then saw the two men looking to arrest them!  It was crazy!

Later that night, I had a serious talk with Youssou.  We wanted to make sure we were on the same page as far as going out/not going out.  He said he really wanted to be in a serious relationship with me.  He said we could go out for two or three years and then I can move here.  WHAT?!?!  I told him that was not a possibility.  In fact, I told him, I have no interest in a relationship.  At all.  With anyone.

Today at lunch we repeated most of this conversation.  It was all in good humor, and it wasn't uncomfortable, and he understands, but he's really hoping I'll change my mind.  But he does know what's going on, which is a relief.

It was a crazy night!  And now I'm in for a crazy Friday.  Fortunately, I'm having the time of my life.  Unfortunately, I would like to be in touch with the man who is the reason I'm not interested in anything with the men here.  We'll see about that.

Crazy crazy crazy.


  1. Wow - glad you travel in large groups! Keep up the adventures (especially the kind that end safely, amusing, and make great stories)!

  2. Such an adorable story. Sort of like a dream or a hallucination. Ordinary in their world...

    Hey--my advice: don't be a victim of your emotions (which automatically get blamed on whatever triggered them).

    You do whatever you want (like go to the beach), and then watch what your emotions do (like try to arrest you). And enjoy the story!

    Don't let your emotions arrest you any more than you-all let the two guys arrest Katy. (Success requires team work in both cases--seldom can you escape successfully on your own wiles)

    Lots of love. Dad.

  3. Very interesting tale; definitely one you'll remember (particularly with the help of your blog!) You said, "I would like to be in touch with the man...". Understandable, bt at least I don't hear the real angst and hoplessness I heard just a few days ago. That's real progress. Keep it up. Taking off on what Peter said, your emotions can be largely controlled by how you choose to think about your situation.

  4. You have the most interesting times at the beach! Teach me?

  5. I'm glad you're not going to move there permanently. I would miss you too much.
