Monday, May 23, 2011


Here's what's new with me:

I may not get the grant I was offered for my internship, because my internship will be a 10ish-week part-time ordeal, rather than a 6-week, full-time one. I'm meeting with someone tomorrow to see what we can do, because the grant would pay for my rent for the summer. That would be fantastic.

I bought a beautiful yellow bike a few weeks ago. A vintage Schwinn. Now the person who sold it to me wants to buy it back. I'm irritated, but giving it back is the right thing to do. So that's what I'm doing.

I've been sick for the last few days. I don't feel particularly bad--my throat hurts and I'm mildly congested--but I've been so foggy-headed and sluggish and exhausted that I've been completely unable to get anything done. I'm hoping to work double-time tomorrow. I have lots to do.

Tomorrow we're planning to set up our NEW PORTABLE AERIAL RIG for the first time! This is a four-legged, 18' tall rig that can be used for any and all of our aerial equipment. I'm really excited about it.

Yesterday my throat was feeling icky, so I made some lentil soup. Today, I made fried rice. I also bought stuff to make sesame noodles, so I'm hoping to do that this week. I managed to spend very little on groceries this week because I'm only in town until Thursday morning, when I'll be starting my voyage to New York to convene with my family and hopefully watch my brother graduate.

The quarter is wrapping up, and there's a lot still to do. Here's hoping it all goes smoothly.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


My life is inspiring. I live fully, take risks, and end up doing things that amaze me and that I never imagined I'd do. It's great. I want to tell you all about it.

This blog isn't cutting it right now because it's totally unfocused. I don't have a topic to write about. Can you give me some ideas? I'd love to keep posting.

When I was in Senegal, every time something strange or un-American happened, I'd think, "I can't wait to blog about this!" Those things don't tend to happen here, and I don't have any specific kind of event here that makes me think about blogging. So what kinds of things would you like to hear about?

Let me know.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A little stress doesn't hurt

But it does make it hard to get enough sleep. I've barely had enough downtime this week to feed myself. I'll skip a lot of that, but this has been maybe the most productive week of my life, and it's only half over. I'm also officially president of the circus club now, I'm working on organizing our gigs for this spring, I went with Claire and got $258.35 wired to SenCirk as a donation. They're planning to use that money to buy safety equipment.

I'm looking forward to a lot of things, and I feel like I'm constantly working just to mark pace and not get behind. I love being busy.

Also, last night I cooked the best thing I've ever made so far: chicken curry. I consulted several recipes, but I didn't have all the ingredients for any of them, so I mostly just winged it. It turned out so well, just thinking about it makes my mouth water. I even managed to get 5 different vegetables in it, so I feel great about eating it!