Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Quick Note

I forgot to mention yesterday that we found out we would be spending TWO WEEKS in a rural village.  Not only that, but we will not all be together.  There will be two of us per village.  There's an odd number of us, so I don't now whether they'll do one group of three or one group of one.  Probably three, though.  I'm terrified about the rural visit, but I know it'll be one of the most impactful things I can/will do here.  I keep telling myself that the benefit of feeling totally freaked out and insecure so much of the time is that I will get more out of study abroad than most people.  Yay Africa!


  1. That's the Erica I'm most proud of - able to find the positive and happy in any situation - if you can handle machetes on the beach you can handle anything!

  2. Sorry to hear you had a lousy day Tuesday. Hope yesterday (and today) was better. For your two week village wise, be safe, and savor the experience. I think years from now, this blog will help you remember many of the detailed sights & sounds you experience, as well as your daily growth through the process. LOL
