Thursday, February 17, 2011

Research and Counting Down

I've been working on a research project on tontines in Senegal. I've interviewed a few women and read a bunch of scholarly articles, organized the information I've gathered into an outline, and am about ready to start writing. I'm hoping to do all my writing in the next week or so, and then be DONE.

I only have two weeks (and one day) left in Senegal. I'm hoping to spend a little bit of the time I have left in the south of Senegal and maybe in the Gambia. There's a boat that goes down overnight, which is supposed to be a lot of fun (plus it means not having to go over the horrible road to Ziguinchor).

I think my stomach illness is finally easing up. I'm still not feeling 100%, but I'm also not completely exhausted or in pain. Hopefully I'll be able to go to circus tomorrow and actually do some fun stuff.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're feeling better! Now you can stop worrying that you'll spend the remainder of your time there being sick and go out an have as much fun as you can pack into 15 days - well, after finishing your project, of course.

    Can't believe you'll be home so soon - can't wait! Just let me know what you want for your first dinner :)
