Yesterday was the first time I felt completely uncomfortable in my house. I was hanging out in my room, waiting for lunch, when I heard Youssou yell at Aida. Then I heard some slapping sounds, more yelling, Mama joining in, more hitting sounds, more people yelling...etc.
My room is off of the dining room, the central area of the house. All this was going on right outside my door, and all I could think was, "This would NEVER happen with my house, with my family."
Lunch afterwards was delicious, but I felt pretty uncomfortable. Mama tried to explain to me what happened. I didn't understand it all, but it was something to this effect:
Aida came home late from school, and Youssou demanded to know where she was. She said she'd just been at school, so he demanded to see her school schedule. She refused to show it to him, or something, and he started hitting her. She started screaming, so Mama came and started hitting Youssou. He restrained her, everyone yelled a lot.
Glad that's over. It left me shaken up all day. Hopefully that'll be the only time I have to hear that here.
Sorry you had to go through that sweetie - I'm sure your mama is too. Not sure I understand why Youssou would be so upset about her being home late from school - do you? I hope it's all better now...