I haven't posted lately because I haven't felt like I had anything to post about, but that's kind of crazy. So here's some of what's been happening in my life:
Last Friday we officially finished classes for the "quarter", then we got all dressed up and went back to Diamond to meet up with our new celebrity friends. There were way too many people there, everyone was smoking, the music was (of course) too loud to understand anyone who was talking to me, and I didn't actually have any desire to dance.
Y.Dee, the emcee we met Tuesday, had been texting me all week and making it clear that he wanted to go out with me. Friday night he said he wanted to be in a serious relationship with me and wants me to meet his family. I can't help but think that's hilarious, given that I don't know him at all, or vice versa. Not to mention, I'm not over my last serious relationship. Apparently a friend of his told Meredith, "I want to get serious with you like Y.Dee is with Erica." So I guess I'll have to put an end to that soon. Senegalese boys are just crazy.
Saturday I had circus at 9 in the morning, so I didn't get much sleep. I did have a great time, though. Every time I hang out with the circus gang, I love them even more. This morning, I got a standing ovation from all the boys for figuring out how to re-assemble our puzzle-style interlocking tumbling mat. I was the one who decided to figure out how many pieces there were (140) and thus what its dimensions should be (10 x 14), after we had tried to haphazardly put it together incorrectly without knowing the dimensions.
On the way home from circus today, Modou told me that he's proud of me for coming in, training with them, doing good work on the fabric, helping out without being asked, and generally fitting in well with the group. It kind of made my day.
I don't remember much of what I did for the rest of my Saturday, but I went to bed early, slept in late, and then napped a lot on Sunday. Sunday night we all saw Sarah off to the airport. I cried less than I expected to, but it was still really sad. I can't believe that she won't be here for the rest of our time here. Also, Friday night I had to say goodbye to several people from another study abroad program who I'd gotten close to. I already miss them too.
On a brighter note, my family is coming in a week! In fact, a little less than a week! I can't wait to see them. Miraculously, my circus performance was postponed until the 26th, so they'll be here to see it. I think we're going to have a little Christmas dessert party in the apartment on the 25th.
I should also mention that things with Caleb are resolved to exactly where I wanted them to be in the first place. It makes my mind a happier place not to have that be an issue anymore.
This evening I'm going to the market with Rachel and some others, and then hopefully picking up clothes from the tailor.
Oh, and I've been meaning to do this for a while. Here's a list of books I've read since I came to Senegal:
The Last Song
Dear John
The Truth About My Fathers
Pride and Prejudice
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
The Girl Who Played With Fire
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest
What is the What
The Village of Waiting
Okay, general conclusion to this post (since it so completely lacks one so far). I'm enjoying my time here, and thinking about ever leaving is surreal. I'm definitely not ready to go yet, but I am recognizing some things that I miss from home (like blenders and pillows that aren't lumpy). At the same time, I've adjusted to the point where the hardness of my mattress and frequency of power outages isn't noticeable any more. It's just part of an ordinary day of an ordinary life (no, Dad, I don't think my life is ordinary). I've heard about the three-month point in study abroad being a turning point, and I can definitely feel that I've been significantly more comfortable lately than I had been since arriving.
Sounds like you're in the perfect spot for your family to come visit and upset the equilibrium you've reached :P - can't wait to see you!! Although I've sent you a box of stuff, there's even more coming with us - it's a good thing that i don't need to pack heavy clothing :)
ReplyDeleteThat comment was actually from Mom, not Dan, but I'll make sure he reads it, too!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad things are going well! Don't get too comfortable though...I still want you to come home!
ReplyDeleteGrowing a bigger family is good. Keep it up! I love you and can't wait to see you on Sunday. Maybe I should load some French language practice software on the computer... Dad
ReplyDeleteI can pretty much boil my comment down to two things. Firstly, I can't wait to see you! And secondly, :D
ReplyDeleteHey, great news that your mom and dad will be able to see your circus performance! I know that will be a great Christmas present for all of you. Very glad to hear things have been resolved well with Caleb. I suspect that's because you have proved yourself so eminently capable of forging such a rewarding life on your own. Well done. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a great visit with family!
ReplyDeleteE - Just now finding the time to sit and catch up on blogs again since the wedding. Glad to hear that things with Caleb are resolved to a point that they are more comfortable again. Glad you're 'adapting' to the point that things which would be disturbances regularly are nearly invisible now. Glad you're having fun with famous people. Just generally glad. :)