I had a very up-and-down week, and it's ended on sort of a down note. Things are a lot better today, though, and I know they'll continue to improve.
The gist is that people have been lying about me a lot. It's mostly unintentional, I think. A little thing that I do wrong gets misconstrued and makes a mistake look like something I've done with ill intentions. If you're reading this blog, you probably know me to be someone who lives without wishing ill on anyone, so that's been making me very uncomfortable. There have been several small mix-ups that have built up and been misconstrued and for a short period I felt like everyone I know in Dakar thought I was a terrible person. That's pretty much all cleared up now (Alhamdoulilaay [thank God]).
On Wednesday, I had a phenomenal conversation with one of the host brothers about religion and universality and the inter-connectedness of everything in the world. It was beautiful and deep. At one point he told me about this moment of clarity where he realized that God is in everyone and everyone is good and beautiful and just thinking about that moment, he started crying. It was a great conversation (on the rooftop at night) and it was cool to be able to talk about all that in French.
...Unfortunately it was that same host brother who then caused a TON of drama.
Since Wednesday, I've been up late every night. It's been good, except when I'm staying up late to tell my side of a story that people are upset about. Like I said, though, things are getting better. Most people realize that I'm not one to lie or to knowingly hurt people, so this hasn't been too complicated.
Pardon the fact that I haven't posted much in the last week--I haven't wanted to go into a desperate rant of complaining about Senegal. I'm actually moving up on the W-curve, so I don't want to give an inaccurate impression. Life is good!
So happy to hear that things are looking better and better - thanks for sparing us the gory details and still letting us know what you're experiencing on this study abroad experience. I'm sooo glad that I'll be able to see first-hand what an interesting place Dakar is - Africa really wasn't on my radar or list of 'must-visit' until you led the way there! Thank you for always adding adventure and love to my life