Friday, September 17, 2010


I'm too disorganized today to write a real post, so instead I'm going to write my thoughts.

Tonight is a party night.  I'm hoping it's a little less of a party than last week, though.  We're having a surprise party for Meredith's host brother, put on by my host brother.  Should be fun, but Saturday morning we leave early-ish for a trip out to Goree Island, which used to be a holding place for people to be sold out as slaves.

Today we had class all day.  I went home for lunch and fell asleep on the couch.  I've been frustrated with things regarding Caleb lately, so I'm hoping to resolve that soon.  I don't especially want to be out all night, but I also don't want to miss out on social interaction.

Last night I had a lot of trouble sleeping because the power kept going out and it was ungodly hot.  I wound up laying in bed naked and sweating and wishing the fan would just turn on.  But it didn't for a long time and it was too hot to sleep.

I get mosquito bites all the time.  I got three while eating breakfast this morning.  Everyone here drinks Nescafe with lots of sugar and powdered milk as coffee.  For breakfast every morning I'm given some bread, butter, marmalade, and cheese, plus a mug and Nescafe or tea, powdered milk, and sugar cubes to drink.  Lunch is generally some sort of rice and meat and sauce dish.  Today it was fish balls (as in balls of fish, not fish's balls) and veggies and rice, and it was very spicy.

There are cats everywhere.  Feral, scrawny, mangy cats.  But I love cats, so I always want to pet them even though they're gross.  There are some dogs, too.  One tried to attack me once, but it was fine in the end.

I went running this morning with Liz.  It's kind of lousy running in Dakar because the sidewalks are potholed and crowded and the cars have awful exhaust and there's trash everywhere...
I want to work out twice a week, but I may have to find an alternative to running because motivating myself to run is unlikely to work out.

I think that's all for now.  Leave comments because they help fill the emptiness.  Or because I like them.  Either one.


  1. Well sweetie, I think you're doing great - disorganized or not! You're really putting yourself into this experience with both feet and I think you're going to be getting tremendous things from it. For one thing, you'll be gaining important insight into how you handle difficult and uncomfortable circumstances that you'd have a much harder time learning in a more developed country. Maybe you could have Liz do cards with you - or find a track to run on - maybe at the university? Do they have a gym - or better yet, a pool?

    The situation with Caleb will sort itself out - I know it's hard to stop talking to someone you care so much about, but it's not forever, and it's a very generous thing to be able to let him have the space he needs to sort things out for himself. I love you and I'm so proud of you!

  2. I don't have any real comment, so I will just leave you a little heart so that you know I read it and that I am thinking of you.

    I really enjoy that you write these things - it's like I actually have a cousin to keep track of or something. ;)


  3. Edit
    Bob said...Sounds like much more of an up-and-down experience than you would normally get back home. But you seem to be dealing with it okay, other than maybe what you experience in your mind re: Caleb. It's not always easy; but try to be present with your own body feelings, sights, and sounds. The mind games can keep you from experiencing what's real for you right there. Anyway,wishing you the very best. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Are you also taking pictures to add to your memories, in addition to your blog? Have a good day tomorrow.

  4. Sharon's favorite poem is from ee cummings:

    i carry your heart with me

    i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
    my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
    i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
    by only me is your doing,my darling)
    You might read the whole poem:

    Remember that it's not just you there. We're all there with you!
    Thank you for taking us with you (not that you could go without us being with you)
    Love, Dad

  5. You're sweet so mosquito are attracted to you. :P
    Do they have citronella there? That is a really good smelling bug repellent.
